Educational Resources

Physical therapy and occupational therapy can be helpful to assist in recovery after certain injuries and surgeries. Finding a therapist who works well with kids and athletes is important. Contact our office for a list of physical therapy groups we recommend.

Physical Therapy

How to properly fit your crutches

  • Most of the time, the height settings that are on crutches do not match up with your actual height.

  • You should be able to fit 2-3 fingers between the crutches and your underarms

  • There should be a slight bend in your elbows.

  • The bottoms of the crutches should be a few inches more than shoulder width apart.

Remember, bear weight through your hands, NOT your underarms!

How to fit your baby’s hip dysplasia harness

What to expect during your cast removal

How to fit your post operative knee brace

How to fit your baby’s hip abduction brace

How to properly wear your Daytime scoliosis brace

How to properly wear your Nighttime scoliosis brace